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Captured German mapcase used by 70th Div Sergeant


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German mapcase used by Sergeant Haugen, CO 'A', 275th IR, 70th Div. He carved his name, units, service number and M1 number in the leather. It has also two German ID's so this mapcase has seen some use for sure! The leather carrying strap and the map grid are in it too.




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4 Kompanie Jäger Regiment 45. Kalma was the last name of the German and 45740 is his feldpostnummer which belonges to another unit and not the Jäger Regiment. Both of these units were not active in the 70th Div area but Germans were transferred to other units quite often. The mapcase might have belonged to 2 Germans or 1 guy just didn't bother to mark it anymore after he was transferred for the 3rd time. There will be an article about the mapcase in the current Trailblazer magazine and there might be veterans alive who knew Peter Haugen and know about the mapcase he used and brought back.. Until then I can only guess how Peter got the map..

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, new member here...it may be of help to note that the German markings are - 4./J.R. 45 I - that is, the 4th company (I)nfantry Regiment 45 First Battalion. The Regiment was part of the Wehrmacht's 21st Infantry Division and appears to have spent its entire existence in the East.


The org. that held the final Feldposte Nummer was a clothing supply unit, so perhaps this is where the soldier ultimately picked up the map case. The 1st Battalion was I believe based in Marienburg.

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  • 6 years later...
  • 4 months later...

Today I found a very similar map case! It belonged to a man from Regt HQ Co, 276th Inf Regt, 70th Division


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