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Vietnam FAC group with an out of this world connection


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We get some very unique artifacts - shown here is a portion of the artifacts from Colonel Gary K. Carroll, who earned the Distinguished Flying Cross as a Forward Air Controller in Vietnam. His early career was even more interesting, which included landing his crippled F-106 in front of the then Secretary of the Air Force. But the most unusual event took place in March 1966 when he and his wingman gave chase to an Unidentified Flying Object - which the Air Force dismissed as "Swamp Gas".



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Photos in pilot training and with his OV-10 Bronco in Vietnam....he later was the Commander for US Air Forces Iceland.  Colonel Carroll's citation reads: "The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Gary K. Carroll, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as a Forward Air Controller in Southeast Asia on 25 November 1971. On that date Major Carroll displayed outstanding airmanship and professional skill under extremely hazardous conditions on a visual reconnaissance and strike control mission deep in hostile territory. Despite intense ground fire from heavy caliber anti-aircraft artillery positions, Major Carroll directed fighter aircraft attacks against a truck convoy resulting in a missile carrier, three trucks, and several tons of supplies destroyed. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Major Carroll reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force."



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There's a good selection of flight suits, including unissued Indian Orange and K2B, as well as a cold weather suit worn while in the 318th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron. And of course a set of blue Mess Dress on which he out the boards from his black Mess Dress.






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...and some of his framed items. These artifacts are the second set we've received so who knows what's left to come...


Mark sends


...and remember....


The Truth Is Out There!





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