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Unknown Ordinance Patch - DOW Patrol ?


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Hey guys, this one really has me stumped. I Googled D.O.W. and O.O.W. and have not found any military significance to these abbreviations. Also searched the Stein patch book and found nothing. The flaming bomb could possibly signify some type of ordinance patrol but I'm finding nothing. It is possible this is not a military patch but some sort of state department of construction or something?


Please give me your thoughts.



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I'm leaning toward Ohio Ordnance works?


I thought the same, but every reference I am finding for Ohio Ordnance Works is for a civilian gunsmithing company. I did find one odd link to an Ohio River Ordnance Works, but that wold have been OROW.


I am leaning towards Ozark Ordnance Works unless someone comes up with another one with the same initials.


I surveyed the web for a list of WWII ordnance plants, but this was the closest I could find. It is obviously not complete.




The difference might be between government owned, and non-government owned contract plants.

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Dow Chemical ran an arsenal near Joliet, Il. during WW2. My father worked there for them in the TNT acid tank farm. Maybe a patrol for them?

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