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WWII Late War Medic Helmet


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I think this is a fake. There is a lot of chipping of the paint all around, but not as much on the painted areas. I think I can see some paint in a chip or two, but there aren't good pics of the paint to be 100% on that. The chinstraps have been replaced, pretty poor bar tacking. The picture of the front seem looks like it has been artificially aged as well.


Just my two cents.

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Straps are definitely not original to the helmet. There are spots where chunks of O.D. paint are missing and is partially filled with white paint. With the amount of wear on the O.D. paint, the panels should reflect more of that. I also suspect someone used liquid mask for the chipped paint on the panels.


It looks really nice, but I too think it's a fake.

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as I said on the other forum..

the texture is very strange and definitely a repaint of some type..

now faked or not .. I don't know.

But sure looks contrived.



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There is a technique to artificially age items by watering down brown paint, washing the entire item in said paint and then wiping it off. This will leave brown areas that look like rust or patina in the low areas. If you look at this lid, it is consistently brown everywhere in all the low areas, real patina this prevalent is never that consistent. The shot of the FS is the kicker, on the right side just inside the rim you can see the brown color clearly on top of the original paint and how it was wiped off.

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