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Here is a rare Pre-Civil War manual, called "Bayonet Excerises for the Army", by famed Civil War General, George Brinton McClellan. McClellan had spent time before the Civil War studying the tactics of the European armies. The European art of war was considered very refined, and something that the American military could benefit from. This book was inspired by his studyingFrench bayonet practices. After his work in the Crimea, he returned to the United States with the intention to re-fashion the American army into a more capable and efficient fighting force. Unfortunately, when he was appointed to command the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War, he would not commit to destroy his army that he had built, practically with his own hands - hence his removal - TWICE! He went on to run against Lincoln in the 1864 election. This is the rare 1852 first edition, that emanates rom his earlier work in the army. I have also included some photographs of the illustrative plates, demonstrating some of the parry moves with the bayonet.







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