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Paratrooper, 82nd Airborne, Operation "Market Garden", 1944


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This figure depicts the changing appearance of US paratroopers just a few months after D-Day. By then, the '42 Jumpsuits were replaced by the new '43 uniform, with rigger-made additions, and their beloved jump-boots gave way to the new double-buckle combat boots.



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Johan Willaert

Nice Ian, but as far as I recall the 82AB used regular non modified T5s for Market Garden..


Only the 101AB were issued the modified T5 which led to the later T7

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Nice Ian, but as far as I recall the 82AB used regular non modified T5s for Market Garden..


Only the 101AB were issued the modified T5 which led to the later T7



Now don't get technical with me Johan...it's a 'chute...ok?!


Ian ;)

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Ian, Gotta admit everytime I see that you have posted another 1:6 my little heart goes pitty pat!

This one is splendid! Is there a little silk chute inside the canvas?


All I can say is, Wow! :twothumbup:



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Now don't get technical with me Johan...it's a 'chute...ok?!


Ian ;)


As long as it deploys, I can't see our little trooper complaining ;)


Amazing detail again Ian, even a shortened t-handle shovel!



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General Apathy

Hi Ian, think on this one, next time you go to an airshow take this little guy with you, find a C-47 and stand him about fifty feet or so away from the aircraft and then take a shot of him, see if the perspective turns out any good :think:


ken ;)

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Thanks Ken....sounds like a good idea! I've never posed my figures against scenic backgrounds myself, but as Hooviedude's pictures illustrate, it can be quite effective. (Now that I'm retired I'll have more time to play around with the camera! ;) )


Ian :thumbsup:

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Nice figure with a classic pose.Chute is a T7 used late in WW2 but i have seen a pic somewhere of them being used prior to Market Garden,will have a look for it and post........517th

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Nice figure with a classic pose.Chute is a T7 used late in WW2 but i have seen a pic somewhere of them being used prior to Market Garden,will have a look for it and post........517th


Diolch (thanks) 517th!



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  • 2 weeks later...
This figure depicts the changing appearance of US paratroopers just a few months after D-Day. By then, the '42 Jumpsuits were replaced by the new '43 uniform, with rigger-made additions, and their beloved jump-boots gave way to the new double-buckle combat boots.





Ian, according to USMF rule 08/15 YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED, to depict REAL PERSONS in the Modeling section!!!! I have to report that to the USMF Mods...


STUNNING, I love to see your Paratroopers here! Thanks for sharing them.

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It looks great but there a couple things I would change:

1.The Chute(as already pointed out)

2.The Lack of helmet net, most if not all troopers in the 82nd at this point of the 1/4inch British Made type net.

3.The Double Buckles, looking at pictures of the 82nd very few if any members of the PIRs are wearing Double Buckles, most are still wearing Jump Boots. The Opposite is true for the 101st's PIRs

4.The Shortened M1910 Entrenching tool, in the 82nd Airborne these for all intensive purposes had been replaced by the M1943 Entrenching tool. Try finding one in a picture of the division during the time period.

5.The Armband Flag, though they do up show up occasionally in photos of the PIRs of 82nd, by far the most common type with in the division are anyone of the sewn on types of Armband Flags.



Joshua Kerner

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It looks great but there a couple things I would change:

1.The Chute(as already pointed out)

2.The Lack of helmet net, most if not all troopers in the 82nd at this point of the 1/4inch British Made type net.

3.The Double Buckles, looking at pictures of the 82nd very few if any members of the PIRs are wearing Double Buckles, most are still wearing Jump Boots. The Opposite is true for the 101st's PIRs

4.The Shortened M1910 Entrenching tool, in the 82nd Airborne these for all intensive purposes had been replaced by the M1943 Entrenching tool. Try finding one in a picture of the division during the time period.

5.The Armband Flag, though they do up show up occasionally in photos of the PIRs of 82nd, by far the most common type with in the division are anyone of the sewn on types of Armband Flags.



Joshua Kerner



You mean start over? :pinch: OK...what's in a title? I'll just re-name it "US Paratrooper"...job done.



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Ian, according to USMF rule 08/15 YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED, to depict REAL PERSONS in the Modeling section!!!! I have to report that to the USMF Mods...


STUNNING, I love to see your Paratroopers here! Thanks for sharing them.



Very nice detail on the uniform. Good work. Is it just me, or does he look like Vic Morrow from the 60's TV show COMBAT?

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Very nice detail on the uniform. Good work. Is it just me, or does he look like Vic Morrow from the 60's TV show COMBAT?



Thank you! I think the ressemblance is in the eye of the beholder, though some manufacturers like the one below, do produce figures with incredible likenesses of real personalities such as Tom Hanks.





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