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I was recently in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and had the chance to visit the memorial to the U.S.S South Dakota BB-57, a WW2 era battleship.


It is an interesting memorial in that it has some parts & components of the South Dakota & oter battleships on display, all displayed and laid out inside a well designed concrete structure which is laid out in the same size & shape & dimensions as that of the original battleship. As a result, photographing the entire thing was difficult due to its sheer size, the fact that it was in a landscaped park, and due to the fact that with 40mph winds, I nearly froze as it was that day!


The pics show the major features of the memorial. I had toured the battleship USS New Jersey several years ago, it was amazing to see, seeing the South Dakota memorial reminded me of the size of these ships!










Thats about it. I tried taking some others, but evidentally my camera batteries (which kept failing due to the cold!) did not save the other shots I thought I had taken.


There is actually a museum there too, it was of course closed down for the season though. And finally, here is a link to the website for the memorial & museum:






"Lookout to Captain! Walgreen's dead ahead!"


Sorry... couldn't resist.


Perhaps one day they could add a row of trees or a berm to set the area off better.


Actually this is a pretty neat concept for a ship memorial. As cold as it was this weekend in this part of the wordl I can believe your camera froze up.


Sioux Falls is right up the road. Thanks for sharing, but I hope to see it in warmer weather.


MW - great pix. Thanks for enduring the elements to share this with The Forum. A really interesting memorial; quite unique. I loved the story on the plaque about how South Dakota earned the nickname Battleship X. Cool!


Gil - I was thinking the very same thing about the Walgreens. Funny!



Fantastic, thanks for the tour of Battleship X. What a great way to remember a ship in the landlocked area of South Dakota. As a Walgreens employee I have to say "hard a'port!"

Tom Bowers

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