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Taking Chance


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Last nite, my wife and I watched Taking Chance. My wife cried, sniffling through the whole thing, and I nearly did as well. Such a sad movie, but truly a moving one. It gives me great pride to know the lengths that are taken to give dignity and respect to our war dead. While I probably won't buy this movie, as I really cannot sit through it again, I will never forget it, and will recommend it to everyone I possibly can. This movie should really be on TV for all of America to see. We all need to see it.

God bless our men and women in uniform, and the families of those servicemen that won't be going home again. My heart heart goes out to them all. :crying:



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I popped this in our day room TV at Keesler. Ill tell you what! There wasn't a single dry eye in that room. In my opinion, one of the finest films released within the past 5 years.

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A phenomenal movie that really touches home and heart. I highly recommend this as one of the top 5 war related movies I've ever seen.

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I'm not familiar with this one........what era is it/what's the gist of the story?

Be warned, this movie is a heart wrencher. Here's a photo and the synopsis from HBO:


In April 2004, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Strobl, USMC, came across the name of 19-year-old Lance Corporal Chance Phelps, a young Marine who had been killed by hostile fire in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Strobl, a Desert Storm veteran with 17 years of military service, requested that he be assigned for military escort duty to accompany Chance's remains to his family in Dubois, Wyo.


Witnessing the spontaneous outpouring of support and respect for the fallen Marine - from the groundskeepers he passed along the road to the cargo handlers at the airport - Strobl was moved to capture the experience in his personal journal. His first-person account, which began as an official trip report, gives an insight into the military's policy of providing a uniformed escort for all casualties. The story became an Internet phenomenon when it was widely circulated throughout the military community and eventually reached the mainstream media.


'Taking Chance' chronicles one of the silent, virtually unseen journeys that takes place every day across the country, bearing witness to the fallen and all those who, literally and figuratively, carry them home. A uniquely non-political film about the war in Iraq, the film pays tribute to all of the men and women who have given their lives in military service as well as their families.


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  • 3 weeks later...

As someone who served for 8 1/2 years on 3 different Honor Guard teams, I truly like this movie!


The only "error" I found while watching it was the airfield the claimed to be Ramstein. Not sure where it was shot, but trust me (I'm posting this from Ramstein at the moment), it wasn't here. From that camera angle, there should be some big hills in the background.


Hey... if that's the only "error"... I'm not going to complain!!!!

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Definitely one of my "favorites", I think Kevin Bacon did an outstanding job in his portrayal. :thumbsup:





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  • 3 weeks later...

This was a truly heartfelt movie. I took my platoon to D. Shield/Storm and was thankful that I didn't have to do this duty. I so admire the escort personnel who perform this solmen task.


On an interesting note, watch the Air Assault badge on the uniform of the SGT from the 1st Cav when he meets Kevin Bacon. Watch how it changes position. Trivial, but attention to detail.



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