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Reporter Firing M-16 Rifle During Vietnam War

Clad in a camouflage uniform, United Press International reporter Betsy Halstead learns how to fire an M-16 automatic rifle while at the Khe Sahn special forces camp during the Vietnam War. A few hours later, she found herself preparing to use the weapon during a Vietcong attack alert at the lonely outpost near the Laotian border.

Image © Bettmann/CORBIS

Collection Bettmann

Standard RM

Date Photographed: August 20, 1965


Every one could see that Betsy is firing a good old M2 carbine !

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bill brewster

For enjoyment. Marine recon June '67. Note the M76 grenade launcher on M14 and rifle grenade. He is the only member in tiger stripe. Billpost-5675-1236362037.jpg

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bill brewster


Making my way through this mountainous thread and I thought I would add that I've had two of examples of the light weight gold boonie you mention. Mine also had size stamps in the top of the crown (see pic). Both were tiny and appeared to be unissued.




The Wisconsin Veterans Museum has two of these hats, both from the Ray Stubbe collection, and both aquired by him at Lang Vei SF camp late '67 through early '68, as was the T079 hat I note in other post. One is heavily used and faded. The size stamp is washed out, but seems to be about a 7. The unused hat is marked in same fashion as shown only size XL - 7 1/can't make out the end of the fraction. I own one, unused, brought home by an Army artillery officer who served in I Corps through '68. It is marked as above.



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In post 1601 we can see SGT Bellybuster in action .

It has been said he drank all the beer and ate a months supply of food for a complete A team in one sitting .


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Copran translated for me the tag inside the beret. 2LT Sungs was Sgt before making officer. The paper tag reads his former NCO rank.

We dont understand why his name tape reads SUNGS and the beret tag SùNG.

The set was brought back in 1991 by a friend of mine who worked in Saigon for a French company.

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So many pics have been posted here and in the Beogam, SF, Lurps sections that I cant remember them all so please go check at http://www.flickr.com/photos/22945868@N06/

and you will some already posted and perhaps some new ones in their original sizes.


I don't know if you noticed, but on some of the pics on the first page are actually czech reenactors

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I don't know if you noticed, but on some of the pics on the first page are actually czech reenactors


If it s true, the illusion is total, so congratulations for these realistic reenactment

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I don't know if you noticed, but on some of the pics on the first page are actually czech reenactors

w00t.gif Incredible... I looked at the page again I really cant tell which ones are the reenactors ! bravo.gif

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the ones I'm sure of:







check them out, they're really good: http://www.lrrp.cz

I don't know them personally, just been adimring their photos for some years.

but enough offtopic, let's get back to tigers :D

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Well all I can say is they make some of the American Vietnam impressions on the forum look like a Ronald Mc Donald kids birthday party .


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You will see by yourself soon enough... :lol:


Oh Im well aware, I think Ive gotten the bug myself... hahah Now if only I had the money!

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Tigers can be found cheap .

You just have to do some looking .



Were would you suggest I look? I know im fairly close to a few army bases, Langley, and Norfolk and the main east coast base of the Navy SEALS

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I've tried looking through this thread, but it's too big. Could someone tell me this is a commercial or repo. I found it today in a goodwill store, and do not know anything about tigerstrip uniforms. Thanks in advance.



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