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Dunno whats going on this morning but posting seems to be very tricky ? Double posting and hell of a time to load pix...



Wanna go to the pool ?


I wanna see a pic of you modeling them for us. thumbsup.gif

Oh yeah, yee ha.


The male model for tight swintrunks is Jérôme and only him... I dont want to upset him because aint gonna sell me his LLDB beret !


Thai large pattern shirt, even there are many fakes from the 90s, this one is legit, still can be seen Tailortag and QM stamp



Classic VNMC 1st Pattern shirt, a pen pocket added on the left sleeve, material was taken from the interior pleat under the buttons. The shirt is well used, its chest pockets were lowered, in order to make the nametape visible (and not hidden by the collar). The size of the shirt is a little bigger than the later ARVN camo shirts



Back of the shirt. Please have a look closer to see the buttons color (it s rather almost dark lime green in shiny plastic), they are typical of the early 60s ARVN uniforms




I see that other forum members were very active last night while all french collectors were drinking beer.


Happy to read that you came back safely at home! :rolleyes:






The VNMC shirt issued to the Vietnamese, size A-1 (a little retailored) issued in 1970, bought from Thompson Militaria few years ago.



If my memory is good, the VNMC brigade was transformed to division in 1970, why the shirt still has the brigade patch is a mystery



Hi Cop,

nice shirts I always enjoy to see the VNMC 1st pattern stuff!



There is my new gold set I received a couple days ago

I wasn’t sure if I should show the set now!?, since we all have seen how a extra mint gold set looks like the one from Owen, Andrei or the two from Spike!, after that I guess I look a little poor with my ones crying.gif !

Anyway there it is:





The boonie hat came with the set as well, its made out of the same fabric like the shirts and pants.

I don’t know if the boonie was made yesterday or back in the 60’s, but it’s a tailor made for sure.



Hi Bob,

Thanks a lot for the exact background information about the MASH company !, there a so much wrong rumors around these company so its nice to hear true story !






About the MASH repros,

is it true that the MASH company produce all the uniforms with the old historic machines in Okinawa?

I heard or read that somewhere and I just can't believe that?

Well lets call this Tiger stripe / Urban myth #1


When Hara-San of MASH contacted me in the late 90's to make the first set of golds, they borrowed two of my sets to copy them. He contacted various material printers around Tokyo & Osaka, untl he found one that he thought would work. The first run of "golds" was incredible when they were done but there was one major flaw. The would never fade, like real tiger stripes. Hara-San's comments were" There are no more cheap material printers in Japan, I guess the technology is too good now".

So when the silver patterns were being planned he found a older Japanese material printer who still did everything in the older styles of the 1960's. It was all done by hand, not by computers, which Richard Johnson is always proclaiming how MASH did it. When these were done they were dead on. The print, the fade, the wear, etc.. After the second run of these were done, unfortunately the printer passed away, and his kids did not want to print old style anymore, they wanted to use new technology. This is where the MASH tiger stripe story ends. He and I have been looking for another old style printer but have come up empty handed. I would love to have them make more and I know he would like to also, but he is a perfectionists, and will not do anything hap-hazardly. This is why MASH's remakes are all so incredible.

Also, Philippine jump wings, have smaller motifs in each color section of the wings. Before, I posted my comment I double checked my collection of Philippine jump wings, and they all had the extra details in the tri-color section. Both countries wings are very similar in design. On double checking, aren't PI wings also evenly divided in the three parts of the center? While ROC wings the white upper section takes up half the section, while the bottom, blue and red sections are quartered?


I'd have to say after checking Bragg & Turner's 'Parachute Wings' (1985) I stand by my assertion that they are Phillippine wings. Unfortunately my real samples are too deeply buried somewhere to scan so I offer pages from the aforementioned reference:


Republic of China Special Forces wings



Phillippine wings



Owen's wings



For me, the giveaways are that the wings don't bend back and touch the central motif as per the ROC SF wings and the colour separation of the central motif seem to match the Phillippine wings.


At the end of the day, I suppose it doesn't really matter as they look marvellous on the jacket wherever they come from!




I am back with this beret. Hope loading time is faster than this morning




I've already post this one but the pics were crappy. This is my fave TS headgear.

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