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This Map Set came with  WW2 Japanese Items from a vets grandson.  One of the maps is for Nagasaki (second edition 1944).  When looking these up on the internet, It appears that the Nagasaki map is somewhat desireable and rare to come by.  Is this the case?  All are in excellent condition and double sided.  Dated 1943-45

Thank you








Not sure they are rare. Maybe just desirable with the Nagasaki connection.  I have several dozen of the rayon maps. Recall I have 5 with Nagasaki. Certain ones can have more value like the ones issued for the ETO that are British maps but issued to Air Crew and the Paratroopers because of the Normandy/Paratrooper connection. One of the more common maps I see is the C53/C54 of the South China Sea map. 


3-5 years ago, I would see a man and wife team buy the maps at shows. Not sure if they were selling them for framed art or fashion or to line custom canvas bags with. I did have a woman here who wanted a map with the China area on it as her husband was from China and he works for a local manufacturer. She wanted to frame the map and hang it in his office as a gift. 


I bought a few maps and chits form a vet one time who packed parachutes and survival kits when he served in the CBI theatre. One of the maps was single sided and locally printed in India in 1942. Is it rare? Not sure but its really interesting and never saw another compared to the US made versions of the era. 



Nothing rare here. Just simple cloth chart used by USAAF and NAVY air crews. Area is standard ones as many of them...


Back in the 1980s the New Cumberland Army Depot PA auctioned off hundreds of Pacific theater rayon maps.


Pacific maps had little value for many years especially in Pennsylvania.


For me that has polluted any desire for US made maps of the pacific unless they come in a group.


Nice to know there is a demand for some of them so thanks for the heads up.

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