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I also have never seen a movie or an article or book about the thousands

and thousands of civilian employees of the military.

In ww2 and up to today.

They are totally unsung heros in their own respect.



My own view is that there has been too much angst about a Hollywood movie, repeat, a movie, about WW2 made with 21st Century views and sensibilities. As with all productions, including Saviing Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, things are distorted, added, subtracted, exagerated, and etc. for entertainment value. This is especially true for those purporting to be historically accurate. They should be watched for enertainment, and if the viewer is interested enough, do his or her own independent research. 


As we would expect this is a Hollywood movie, with the usual issues for us historians.  I watched it expecting the modern interpretation and it covered all the bases.  That said it will perhaps instigate those outside our hobby to be interested enough to do their own research and or reading on the subject.  As a military vehicle collector, as soon as I see the post war models in a WWII movie, I know this is for entertainment and not a documentary.  Overall I was glad I watched it, maybe other women's war stories will follow?

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