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Does anyone recognize these WWII Army barracks? (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia Area)

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Hi Everyone,


I was wondering if anyone recognizes the barracks in these photos? The photos were taken 1945 and the vehicle has a Third Service Command insignia which indicates this must be in Maryland, Pennsylvania or Virginia. Can anyone identify these barracks? There is a possibilty that it may actually be a POW camp.


Thanks for all your efforts!






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  • 2 weeks later...

No ideas what camp / barracks are shown in these photos?

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I think it could very well be a POW camp, yes. 

The fencing and the layout suggest to me that it is. As far as ‘where’ it may be, that’s a bigger question….a POW camp would have been temporary and pulled down after the need for it no longer existed. There may be a master map somewhere with all of the locations within this Command, so I’d do a search for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for the input and list of camps. I'll give it a try and see if I can identify this camp.

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