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Frank H Thompson 8 AF Dress Jacket

Government Issue

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Government Issue

Greetings Everyone! 


If anyone has a lead on this, knows the buyer, or is the buyer, please get in touch with me via DM. I can provide more info on who he was and what he did to the purchaser. I understand whoever purchased it owns it, but I'd like to see if I could get an offer of first refusal whenever that collector considers parting with it. It sold online at some point last year on a UK militaria site, and reached out to the store owner back in June but never heard anything back. So, I figured I'd give it a shot in the dark here. I never expected my great uncle's dress uniform to turn up, and no one else in the family did as well. It's an English-modified Aircoprs gabardine jacket shortened down to a BD/ike style. His signature is in the jacket on the manufacturer's label and the valor awards match what he was awarded. He was a pilot with the 358th BS over Europe during WWII but was KIA during the Korean War. I have no clue whether his jacket turned up overseas in England or if it was bought and brought there from the US. This was a complete surprise and incredibly wild to see. This means a great deal to me, and I'd love to be able to acquire it at some point, but I am happy to know that it's still around and in someone's care. 



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Government Issue
1 hour ago, Dave said:

Can't help with where it is, but that's a darn nice jacket!


Absolutely! I've got another picture of him I will attempt to post of Frank wearing a gabardine--don't know if it's this one he had shortened or another one he had. I believe the photo is of him before going overseas. I assume a flight training class headshot or something similar? I don't know if it's the same jacket, but it could be possible. 




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