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Question about the Medal of Honor

trench art lover

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trench art lover

I have seen some sell outside of the US and have been wondering. Can a US citizen import the item, or its a significant part of US history that can't be returned to the states? 

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As the law is interpreted by US law enforcement agencies, a US citizen cannot buy, sell, or own one. That includes importing them in or out of the US. 

That said, do they have tracking devices that alert the authorities if the medal is purchased by someone who shouldn't be buying it? No. But, if you were to buy one and bring it back into the US, there is a very good likelihood of it being confiscated and you winding up in legal trouble if it became known. 


As an aside, quite a few of the MOHs that have popped up in foreign auctions are fake, namely real awards with fake engraving. This includes some really well done ones that were engraved by an expert engraver several decades ago. 

Hope that helps!



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The quick answer to your question is: no, import, sale, purchase, unauthorized manufacture and export are restricted by US code (18USC704). BTW, when you read the code it looks like all US awards are likewise restricted but lower tier guidance focus the restrictions to the Medal of Honor and associated appurtenances.


  In olden days there was a loophole in the code that skirted the problem: barter. You would insist on something  - like a cancelled 8 cent postage stamp - as part of the deal; this essentially turned the transaction into a wink-and-a-nod between the parties. That technicality was closed in a subsequent change so that the laws are essentially airtight. And anything grey can be enforced by tying you up in court.


This topic has had much discussion over the years here.  As a start, search USMF for some really interesting reading on this subject:


Repatriation Act


Donald Gott


(there was also a discussion about a transaction regarding a Spanish-American War MoH  for a Cienfuegos cable cutter which involved smuggling across the US-Canada border and jail-time but offhand I can't remember the names of the parties involved to provide keywords)




You are correct: significant US history has been lost.



I hope this helps. I really need an editor however i lack the funding...but I think the basics are here. 




Jim T




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