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Another Iwo Jima group


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We got another Iwo Jima group, a few items brought back by T4 Arthur W. W I N B U R G.   It's almost all paper items, but there's a nice rice bowl identical to one from Iwo Jima we received about 10 years ago...and the case (?) he kept them in. We also got his 4 pocket uniform. Here's the case...it's about 18 inches wide and in two parts. 


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...and there's this stand-alone piece...note the Kanji on the side....it's about 5 inches wide and two or inches tall.


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..and a battery. I assume the things he brought back were just things that had Japanese writing on them, but who knows what else there was that might have been lost over the years.


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Mr. Bushido

These items have never been seen before.


The content is roughly as follows.
*Numbers in circles indicate the number of photos counted from the top.


・Brown cylinder
①Bullet main body Lower side
③Bullet main body Upper side
 The upper part of the bullet's tail


・Silver cylinder
①Nihon Rosuiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.
②Patent number 79……


 Matsushita Dry Battery Co., Ltd.
  *Currently part of "Panasonic Corporation"
 Light dry battery Single type 1


・Torn paper
① *Details are unknown due to damage. I think it's a document related to some company's "Yokohama port branch office".
② Type 99 light machine gun ammunition
 Type 99 normal cartridge
 15 shots


① Asanuma? ? ?
  *Customer's name
  * A ledger to record transactions for the purpose of collective settlement at a later date
 "Iizuka?" ? ?
  *Store name

② *Fill-in columns for amount and date of transaction, etc.


①  *Commentary on how to use emergency food. Created in 1944 by a military-related organization.

② Type 99 regular cartridge

③  *Explanation of how to make Molotov cocktails. Issued by Tokyo 2nd Army Arsenal in October 1944.

④ *Untitled novel

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Mr. Bushido


I'm not sure about the identity of the brown cylinder.


You're right, it could have contained ammunition.

However, looking at the words written, it seems that they were used in the process of making bullets.


I hope collectors familiar with the IJA will add their opinions.

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