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New upcoming book on Vietnam bring back weapons!


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Books made it here around 7pm! I'm going to get the first batch in the mail tomorrow morning. Its a lot of work getting them labeled and boxed up for shipping but I'm loving it! Thanks again everybody!


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Received mine.   I am really enjoying.  Very nice quality and interesting read.  I know there was a lot of work to compile, write, and publish all this material.

Great Job!

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Steve Brannan

Received my book today. Great quality. Nothing else like out there for Vietnam War collectors. Get um before they’re gone. Well done Keith. 

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You have done a superb job in capturing some of the stories of our Veterans and how they obtained and brought back these weapons.


Happy to have been able to assist and contribute to this wonderful book.


Best regards



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Since you guys like the Nam book, I'm sure you will also enjoy my WWII book. I actually started on this one first and its 95% done at this point. Sadly, since most all the WWII vets are gone now, I had a friend mention that I should get to the Nam vets while they are still available. Now that the Nam book is finished, I'm going back to work on the WWII one. The book is my collection but I'm thinking about opening it up to other collections. I had been collecting Nam bring backs for a few years and thought I had a decent collection but once I started asking for submissions I was amazed at whats out there in other people collections! Thanks again everyone! Keith


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

It has come to my attention that a small number of books have a few wrinkled pages and some even blank pages. I have advised the printing company and they will replace the affected books. Please check every page of your books to look for these issues. I have until the 11th to give the company a total count. I'm very disappointed with the printing company but they assured me they will make everything right. Sorry for this inconvenience! I have been checking the remaining 350 books and its taking a lot of time to do so. Thanks Keith

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  • 3 weeks later...

I received these pictures of Retired LTC Bruno Rizzato when he received his book! Pictures like this really reinforces the reason why I created the book in the first place!




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  • 1 month later...
On 11/17/2022 at 2:51 PM, WWIIBuff1945 said:

Hello everyone,

I would like to announce my upcoming book on Vietnam bring back weapons. I’ve noticed over the past few years, a growing interest in bring back weapons so I decided to publish a book on the subject. I’m trying to judge interest in such a book and figure out how many copies to get printed.

This book is non-profit and all proceeds after printing costs will be donated to the Honor Flight South Florida Organization. To those not familiar with the Honor Flight Organization, they take veterans from WWII, Korea and Vietnam on an all-expense paid one day trip to DC to visit the War Memorials.

The book showcases 39 veterans. Each veteran’s story is broken into three sections: The first highlights the vets service history in detail if known. The second gives a brief history of the Division/Unit he served in and lastly, a short history of the weapon and when possible, the story of its acquisition.

 The last section of the book includes 10 pages of VC made bring backs not tied to specific veterans plus VC grenades and even a Chinese RPG Rocket Launcher! There also is a six page section of period photos showing soldiers and dignitaries holding captured enemy weapons.

The book will be hard cover, approximately 270 pages of premium paper with full color. From my calculations, the books printing cost will be around $35 a copy and adding an additional $5 for donation to Honor Flights bring the total to $40 plus shipping. USPS Media mail will be the preferred shipping costing around an additional $5. I am not asking for any money up front. When I have the books in hand, I will notify those interested via this thread or by PM. I am projecting a Mid-January completion date.

I am posting one vet’s section which was an Airborne Advisor who brought home a WWII era Luger that he himself captured. And I also wrote about the gun violence on this site that contacted me as they wanted to hear my story and how the guns affect society and people's behaviour!My friends told me I have a writing charm hah,I guess I still have the powder to fire! Here is the site in case any of you are interested https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/gun-violence/ you can read it and then tell me what you think,I have blocked out the serial number on the gun and paperwork but the full information will be shown in the book.As it has different essays on all kind of topics!

I would like to thank everyone for their interest in my book.

Thanks Keith


VN BC Edited.png

465254542_ADV-Luger.pdf 2.22 MB · 19 downloads

Wow,where can i get one ? I am interested in reading it as I have a school project in which I need to write about the guns used in vietnam and the effect they had on modern guns!

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what the actual hell the site bugged on my end and it posted 3 times my comment!didn't mean to spam!

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