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Modified USSR Naval flag from Vietnam


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Picked this up in trade from a buddy of mine. He said he got it from a walk in at a gun show. Unfortunately the only history I got with it is what's on the tag. Normally I'm pretty sceptical about stuff like this that's lacking names or specific units but it does have some good indicators to back it up. The braided para cord rope looks to be period correct and the A ring and hook are the type you would see on a USGI parachute harnesses. The flag is an USSR Naval flag that's been cut down and sewn into this. The star is on the other side. it's muti-piece felt on cotton construction so probably early, maybe even WW2. I highly doubt it was an advisor flag. But a repurposed USSR Naval flag used by and captured from north vietnamese. I can believe that. I can also see a GI assuming because it's Soviet that it had something to do with an advisor. 




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