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Bringback Ring Italy


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My Dad served in Italy. He went in at Anzio after the breakout. Claims “the only combat I saw was in the chow line”. However; he talks of being shelled. I guess it’s only combat if you shoot back. Once in a while as a kid I was allowed to open his sock drawer to look at his medals and dog tags. If I asked about this ring the drawer slammed shut and he would say we don’t need to talk about that. Upon my return from basic he wanted to compare dogs so we went to the drawer and did so. When I asked about that ring… the drawer was shut. I really wish I had pressed him. There are no markings on this ring. A local jeweler said it was obviously hand made and the “gold” is a well known European ’40 composite. My son is waiting for me to die as he knew Grandpa and knows this is going to be his. 


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I can relate. Dad served in the Pacific. There were some things he would not talk about. I've seen that sometimes the guys who talked the least saw and did some pretty nasty stuff. 


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