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Bring back Jinsen T-99


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This walked rifle walked in the door yesterday morning - we'd previously received the sailor's uniform and a ton of doco, but the son wanted to hang on to the rifle for a bit, so I was surprised when he showed up with it and his father's photos. His dad served aboard the USS Ringness and came aboard shortly after they had helped rescue some of the USS Indianapolis' survivors - including Captain McVay.  The Ringness then went to Okinawa, followed by beng sent to Jinsen. After that they wetn to Tsingtao, China, which is where the majority of his photos are from.


The son doesn't recall when the buttplate was replaced. There's what I believe is a double circle / school mark on the receiver above the Mum, which has only been cross cut. Other than those issues (and no sling over course), the rife doesn't look like it was ever taken out of the rack. 


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Long time, no hear!


Yeah, I had put it out of my mind because there was/is a lot of family drama over it so I figured I'd never see it. You'll have to stop by and see the new digs!


4 E. Main St. Fairborn, OH 45324



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