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Gen. Marshall’s GHQ DUI


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I’ve had these for a few years.  When I first got them I thought they were CBI related and had them in a riker mount with CBI patches etc.


I now know what they are but not really sure who wore them, enlisted or officer…with GHQ SSI etc…   I’m sorting thru some patches I have and would like to put them in a riker mount with related patches and insignia.


They do not seem to be very common and were probably only worn for a few years?? I wonder how many were made.

I did read an old posting here on the forum and one that showed a link to an ebay auction. I have no idea of current value and never did find the closed ebay listing to see what they sold for.


Thanks for any comments or background you can give.





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DIs are for The Executive Headquarters, which was a US Army unit charged w/ mediating diffs between Nationalist Chinese and ChiComs 1946-47. Numbered   Field Teams did the dangerous work. 


Chinese characters translate to “Middle Kingdom” which is supposedly how Chinese refer to themselves, at least during this time frame.


They were made by N.D.C., Natl Decoration Co, in Shanghai.


FWIW, a late friend of mine had his grandfather’s DIs, and he was an officer.


in addition to being erroneously referred to as “Marshall’s GHQ” DIs, they are also erroneously referred to as “China HQ” DIs.


J-M and A-J 1985 Trading Posts.

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Thanks, Tredhed2


I’ve seen them referred to by various names.. didn’t know that was the correct and official name.  There is a corresponding patch - similar to CBI with 3 rings.. each ring representing:   US, Nationalist China and Communist China.



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