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Vietnam 101st Airborne bring back Tokarev rig!


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Sergeant Jeffery R. Lighton was a member of Headquarters Company 2nd Brigade 101st Airborne Division. He served in the Army from February 1966 to January 1969 including duties in the States, Germany and Vietnam. I have his contact info and I'm in the process of trying to contact him. I want to thank forum members (Masonk) and (shortsix) for their help with finding info on the vet!


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Cap Camouflage Pattern I
51 minutes ago, manayunkman said:



Is there significance to the plaid scarf?

That's a khăn rằn, a traditional item of clothing worn mostly in Southern Vietnam (what the RVN and US would designate as III & IV Corps) that originates from the region's past as part of the of the Khmer Empire. It is worn either as a scarf around the neck, as a headscarf by women, or as a headband by men. Sellers make wild claims about them being used by the VC to identify each other or as some form of award or rank but in reality its just a handy sweat rag.

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Cap Camouflage Pattern I

I want to clarify, I don't mean sweat rag disparagingly, I just want to be realistic. If the Viet Cong was formed in the USA a lot of them would wear blue jeans, there's no meaning to it, it's just a common utilitarian piece of clothing, but because a lot of Viet Cong activity was in Southern Vietnam it has become part of the iconic image of the Viet Cong. 



Here's an famous photo of Viet Cong guerilla Lâm Thị Đẹp in Sóc Trăng province in 1972, photo by Vietnamese journalist Minh Trường.

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