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U.S. Navy flying jacket, good or bad?

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I was out at an estate sale this morning and came across a jacket with the following spec tag.  It’s got a shearling neck and whatnot, but something about it felt off.  I lifted the collar where I believe a USN stamp usually sits and found nothing.  I’m also under the impression that Government contract numbers for uniform items begin with 8015, so the spec number concerns me.  

The white tags read

“Made in USA”



Which also concerned me.



I did end up walking on it, but I’ll be in the area for the estate sale again tomorrow so if it’s good I can see if it’s still there.





17 minutes ago, militbuff said:

It looks like a modern repro


Thanks, figured as much but wanted to be sure.


Not sure why that double posted, I suspect something to do with shoddy network connection.


Owen, just saw your post, and when I ran the spec # all that came up was websites selling them brand new- which as I type this I realize should’ve been another hint but the jacket felt a bit older so I wanted to make sure.



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