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Battle scarred Japanese type 99 rifle


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Hi, a gift from the late Vet. Family.  He was a Sea Bee. And the family had no record of where he picked it up. Other than the buttplate there is no other metal damage. It looks like shrapnel damage. It’s all matching including the dust cover. It came with a near mint blade bayonet. Best, Bill










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Great Type 99. I love the ones with battle damage or ones that show actual combat use rather than ones that were captured out of storage. I have a couple with some battle scars but none as significant as this, Its a great rifle and part of history.

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Brian Dentino

Wouldn't want to be the guy holding that rifle when the big bang happened!  Nice rifle and loads of character.....

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Thank you for the compliments. I believe the sling was also affected by the sharpnel. I think it’s a 23rd series, mid war. Best, Bill

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Rooster

Pretty cool how its picked right up off the battlefield.


Also notice the folding Bi Pod... Looks field expedient ???


Awesome !

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