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American Company of the Hankow Volunteer Corps


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Here is an oddity....this appears to show American soldiers around the time of WWI, but two men have an EGA on their hats but crossed rifles on their  standup collar, some look at bit past their prime, and the photographers stamp shows he is from Hankow, China. A quick check shows no regular American forces were ever stationed in Hankow. So who are they? They are volunteers having American citizenship who living and working in Hankow, China have armed themselves to protect their fellow citizens should the rule of law break down and foreigners come under assault. This type of organization is very similar to its larger brother organization: the Shanghai Volunteer Corps. I wish I had more info on this body of men, but I don’t....looks like they acquired two Colt M-1895 “Potato Diggers”. Also I am guessing the men with the EGAs were at one time a serving members of the Marine Corps who perhaps left the service while in China and settled in the Hankow area. 






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That is a great image Dirk and very interesting. I wonder if the man with the field hat and ega is wearing a red and gold hat cord (one looks like you can just see the acorns peaking over the brim). All of these men look well equipped, in fact their uniforms look new. Do you know who would have paid to outfit them? The little boy appears to probably be the son of the man he is sitting in front of. I love his little toy gun. I never heard of this unit or ones like them. Thanks for posting. 

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Thank Kevin I don’t they they would have received regular pay. Perhaps some type of stipend for food when on active duty...like their Shanghai brothers 

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