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Massive Fire in Utica NY destroys a remanent of America’s Arsenal of Democracy


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Was reading about this massive blaze that has been burning in Utica NY for over 36hours now.  I did a little research into this massive complex- although it was currently an abandoned derelict building and had in more recent history housed an outlet mall and other tenants, this was the original home of the Savage (and after 1920) the Savage-Stevens Company.  This is where the arms were produced during WW1 and WW2.

Here are some numbers I found:

As part of America’s Arsenal of Democracy during WW2 this factory in Utica produced-


1501000 Thompson Submachine guns

295361 Browning .50cal machine guns

14800 Browning .30cal machine guns

Over 61000 combat shotguns

1030228 Lee-Enfield Rifles for Britain under Lend-Lease

10338 .22cal training rifles

Plus Rocket nozzle assemblies and Bomb Fuzes

Here is a link with video/pictures of the blaze:







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Oh man, that is sad.  I grew up in Utica and remember shopping in that mall and enjoying the history of the place. My grandfather worked there for Savage during the war.



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