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Vietnam medic aiming to tickle your funny bone


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Hello folks, I was an Army medic assigned to the 24th Evac Hospital (Long Binh, RVN) in 1967. I've been a professional writer and editor for over 40 years, but for most of that time I never considered writing about Vietnam. I was never in combat, so why would anyone be interested in my experiences?
    On the other hand, over the years I've told many amusing "Vietnam stories" at social gatherings, after which someone would often say "You oughta write a book!" But I still didn't think I could remember enough stuff to be able to accomplish such a feat. That is, until I had a 40th-year reunion with some of my Long Binh buddies, during which we spent three days reviewing hundreds of old photos (on a big monitor) and discussing countless old "war stories."
    At that point I began thinking about M*A*S*H and realized there was indeed enough material to fill a one-of-a-kind book— a funny memoir about the Vietnam War. I also did some research and found out that of all the US military personnel sent to Vietnam, there were five times as many non-combatants as there were combat troops. Which meant there were plenty of veterans (not to mention their friends and relatives) who would be able to relate to our tales about "rear echelon" life.
    I partnered up with a fellow medic who was my best friend in Nam. We spent two years researching, writing and editing "Long Daze at Long Binh: The humorous adventures of two Army draftees trained as combat medics and sent off to set up a field hospital in South Vietnam." Our goal was to produce a highly entertaining book that would be very informative for folks who were never there, very nostalgic for those of us who were there.
    The reviews have been excellent, with the Vietnam Veterans of America online magazine calling Long Daze "the best book about 'rear echelon' life in Vietnam during that time period— nobody will top it any time soon, if ever." A former VFW Post Commander adds that Long Daze is "neither pro-war nor anti-war, so regardless of your personal views you should find it hard to put down."
    You can read all about the book at:  www.longbinhdaze.com



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