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Question on Josten WASP Wings


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Just trying to learn a little more on WASP wings... and reading all the past postings here on the forum.


I know that Josten should be stamped on all legit wings (except for discussions on Amico wings). Did Josten use just one specific mold for these wings or did it change slightly over the short period of time that they were made. Some of the good wings Ive seen posted look a little different on the front - but it could just be slight wear or quality and angle in which the photo was taken.


I am hoping to get a chance to look at some wings over the weekend and want to do my homework. I have seen some quick pics of them and like everyone else I am concerned about the nail heads - photo was not very clear and I could not judge the length of the pin. The photo was taken shooting down, so I cannot tell if there is any curve to the wings The N in Sterling did have the missing upstroke.



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Look at this post. Look at the word "sterling" on the real wings. I don't know if all Josten wings are the same. I have not looked at every wing, but of the wings I have seen they all look like these.

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The Rooster

Wasp wings are heavily faked. From what I was able to understand, you need to be really educated about

WASP wings before you even think of putting any money down.

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I know they are heavily faked and there may be some collectors who unknowingly have fake ones in their collection. This is one reason why I want to do a little homework before even considering them.


I think I know the obvious signs of bad wings... it’s the details that can get you in trouble. Hopefully, if things work out, I will have plenty of time to look them over and post some photos before making an offer.


Steve, thanks for your post... I have seen your wing postings and will study the photos.

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