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My latest acquisition. (Pre98 gun) A Mid-43 Mauser HSc brought back by Lowell Van Tilburgh who was a member of the Army Air Force's Air Weather Reconnaissance Squadron.



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Wow that went for some big money. Is Stenger a relative of yours?

I wish I could provide more details but it is a matter between myself and the buyer... I should re-phrase that, its a matter between the buyer, RIA, and myself. And bottom line up front I would never buy from RIA.

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Thank you Buff, Its just a very delicate situation. RIA did nothing wrong on the front end, Buyer didnt do anything wrong, and I peiced some things together that make it a very unfortunate story... And nothing is illeagle or stolen. Thats not what I am implying. But RIA absolutly has done and is doing NOTHING after I presented a plethora of information to them. They just care about they made $ and they refuse to fix anything or contact the buyer. Never buy from RIA...




Yea I am a content camper. But somebody oblivious and I'm sure very content still with thier purchase and they shouldnt be...

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  • 1 year later...
Cpl. Punishment

I want to bump this back to the top! Lets see some more bring backs!


On a side note, I am always looking to buy bringback weapons (as a re a few other guys on this thread!)

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Cpl. Punishment

Here is one in my collection! Notice the capture papers are filled out in March of 1945! It also came with a modified 1911 shoulder rig holster which I am sure is what he wore while driving truck. He was part of the Redball Express.


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  • 2 years later...

It seems odd to me that the majority of the pistols posted here are of non-German manufacture. I guess I expected to see more Lugers and P-38's. Interesting reflection on what the Germans were using and what US service members brought back

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