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Gorges battle, Normandy france?


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Here is what I found from the 358th IR's unit history.


Continuing the advance the First Battalion hit another strong enemy line in the vicinity of the town of Gorges. The battle of Gorges was hard fought, but the enemy was forced to relent and withdraw to still another line along the Seves River. The Third Battalion moved up to the river to a defensive position while the rest of the Regiment was allowed a few days rest in Gorges—rest that was disturbed by extremely heavy enemy artillery.

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Here is a record of 90th ID after-action-reports from July 1944. Hit Control+F on your keyboard and type in "gorges" into the bar that comes up. It will direct you to the sections that have "gorges" in the text. There should be a few reports about the Gorges battle.


Link: https://www.dday-overlord.com/en/battle-of-normandy/after-action-reports/90th-infantry/july-1944

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