Dave Posted August 9, 2022 #26 Posted August 9, 2022 That's an absolutely amazing piece of work! I truly enjoyed looking through the book. His path(s) must have just barely missed those of my great uncle, Ken Skaer, who was in many of the same places at the same time, but in different squadrons and units. One comment - the "pre-1941" wings you reference are actually the US Army's later wings, which your father would not have worn. A minor thing, but enough to give someone like me shudders when I see it in the book. :) Otherwise, it was really awesome to read through, and I look forward to spending more time looking through it!
RickFlack Posted August 10, 2022 Author #27 Posted August 10, 2022 David, thank you for your kind words; and in particular, thank you for catching where I incorrectly assumed and noted the Pilot Badge awarded in 1938 as the Army Aviator Badge when it was in fact the Air Force Pilot Badge. I should have caught this detail by simply looking at two images. First, the cover page of the booklet, which was printed for the October 5, 1938 Air Corps Training Center Graduation Exercises for Class 38-C at the Post Theater Kelly Field appearing in my “main” book on Book/PDF page number 508/604. Second, the post-graduation photo of my father in dress uniform with his mother on Book/PDF page number 514/610 (top right). In fact, there are numerous photos of my father and his military cohorts in dress uniform with the same Pilot Badge from 1938 forward. Such feedback is a critical priority for me as echoed in my following statements noted in my “main” book’s Acknowledgements section on page iv: Second paragraph, last two sentences: An underlying objective of this book is to be 100% factual; our father would have demanded nothing less. If errors are found, please provide verifiable material so I may update the book accordingly (and thank you in advance). Third paragraph, last sentence: Lastly, not having served in the military, I welcome input from veterans. Early on when I was drafting my book and began defining each chapter by name and number, I made the following mistake. To reflect a chapter’s content beginning with Chapter 5, I wanted the first page of each chapter to contain an image(s), which was compatible with the chapter’s subject matter by embedding a military medal(s) and/or patch(s). I incorrectly assumed when the US Army Corps became the US Army Air Force on July 20, 1941, the Pilot Wings were changed since the branch of service Emblem was changed. In my next version publication of my “main” book, I will correct the following: Book/PDF page number 525/621 above the Figure name titled, US Army Air Corps Aviator Wings (1926-1941) Book/PDF page number 529/625 above the Figure name titled, US Army Air Corps Aviator Wings (1926-1941) Book/PDF page number 546/642 above the Figure name titled, Army Air Corps Pilot “Wings” through 20-Jul-41 Book/PDF page number 726/822 under the Heading name titled, US Army Air Corps Changed to US Army Air Force I am hoping others with a greater knowledge of the military and its history will let me know of any other verifiable mistakes, which I need to correct. As a side note, my “main” book and my “All in One Appendices” have yet to be proof read by a professional editor. I am aware there are errors in my publications beyond what Microsoft Word Spell and Grammar checker finds. For example, where I typed “you” instead of “your” and the list of my mistypings’ goes on. Where I quote other material, which may contain spelling/grammar mistakes, I do not change or note such mistakes.
Dave Posted August 10, 2022 #28 Posted August 10, 2022 Thanks! Here's a great thread about the 1919-1941 wings. I believe you'll find it helpful:
RickFlack Posted August 10, 2022 Author #29 Posted August 10, 2022 Thanks for the link to your thread. Just completed viewing all six pages and what fabulous photos and stories of vintage pilot wings, which is very informative.
RickFlack Posted December 7, 2022 Author #30 Posted December 7, 2022 This is my latest posting since July 24, 2022. For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force), who within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups flew the most combat missions (483) and who had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron. To obtain a copy of the updated “main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 256 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYcz_VGqeJubp4Iiug?e=xSIkaT To obtain a copy of the updated “All-in-One” Appendices (A thru X), click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 1.45 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc01XZpEmmU7Z8ieA?e=Wk3Ca1 Please refer to my February 6, 2021 Facebook posting for a standalone copy of the uncompressed version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results. Please go to the following Facebook link to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted December 7, 2022 Author #31 Posted December 7, 2022 Thanks for the link to your thread. Just completed viewing all six pages and what fabulous photos and stories of vintage pilot wings, which is very informative.
RickFlack Posted December 7, 2022 Author #32 Posted December 7, 2022 Thanks for the link to your thread. Just completed viewing all six pages and what fabulous photos and stories of vintage pilot wings, which is very informative.
RickFlack Posted December 7, 2022 Author #33 Posted December 7, 2022 I updated my 12/6/22 version with todays 12/7/22 release. For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force), who within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups flew the most combat missions (483) and who had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron. To obtain a copy of the updated “main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 271 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc11PPSOIHI-qORZw?e=72T5wM To obtain a copy of the updated “All-in-One” Appendices (A thru X), click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 1.45 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc01XZpEmmU7Z8ieA?e=Wk3Ca1 Please refer to my February 6, 2021 Facebook posting for a standalone copy of the uncompressed version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results. Please go to the following Facebook link to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted December 20, 2022 Author #34 Posted December 20, 2022 I posted my latest 12/19/22 version release. For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force), who within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups flew the most combat missions (483) and who had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron. To obtain a copy of the updated “main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 271 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc3dvrjB6kQRuQAUg?e=4sTzQm To obtain a copy of the updated “All-in-One” Appendices (A thru X), click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 1.45 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc01XZpEmmU7Z8ieA?e=Wk3Ca1 For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the uncompressed (high resolution) version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 921 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hMQlRQUFvsVA2rToPw?e=tDFzbx For those who have a Facebook account, click on the following Facebook link (or search for “Untold Stories of Colonel Rudy Flack”) to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted January 26, 2023 Author #35 Posted January 26, 2023 I posted my latest 12/19/22 version release. For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force), who within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups flew the most combat missions (483) and who had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron. To obtain a copy of the updated “main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 271 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc3dvrjB6kQRuQAUg?e=4sTzQm To obtain a copy of the updated “All-in-One” Appendices (A thru X), click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 1.45 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc01XZpEmmU7Z8ieA?e=Wk3Ca1 For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the uncompressed (high resolution) version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 921 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hMQlRQUFvsVA2rToPw?e=tDFzbx For those who have a Facebook account, click on the following Facebook link (or search for “Untold Stories of Colonel Rudy Flack”) to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted January 26, 2023 Author #36 Posted January 26, 2023 My latest 1/26/23 version release includes the following updates in my “main” book on Book/PDF pages noted in “purple” text, which includes 34 new pages containing 12 new images (plus a major bonus, Appendix Y): Book: 386 – PDF: 482 . . . . 1937-38 Paul Tibbets and Rudy Flack’s Cadet Flying School hours Book: 387 – PDF: 483 . . . . 1937-38 Tibbets: 3-Individual Flight Records plus 1-page write-up Book: 941 – PDF: 1037 . . . 414th echelon #2 B-17E’s (4) land at Grafton-Underwood on 7/26/42 Book: 943 – PDF: 1039 . . . Last 414th echelon #2 B-17E lands at Grafton-Underwood on 8/1/42 Book: 962 – PDF: 1058 . . . Was B.G. Frank Armstrong in England between 11/8-11/18 1944? Book: 1159 – PDF: 1255 . . . Classic case where an author & famed airman falsely report stories Book: 1442 – PDF: 1538 . . . March 1943, Rudy’s next three successor 414th Squadron CO’s verified Book: 1524 – PDF: 1620 . . . Capt. C. L. Thacker and Major R. E. Flack identified in updated photo Book: 1657 – PDF: 1753 . . . One sentence reference added regarding a Tibbets character trait Book: 1777 – PDF: 1873 . . . Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr. Claim to Fame . . . I Report, You Decide The bonus is I have added Appendix Y – The ‘KISSY-ME KOWBOY’ – Life of Clarence Lewis Thacker. This is a must read and further exemplifies the context of the next paragraph. For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force), who within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups flew the most combat missions (483) and who had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron. To obtain a copy of the updated “main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 272 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc5o9fpFAJHyADKUA?e=m2QM4p To obtain a copy of the updated “All-in-One” Appendices (A thru Y), click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 1.47 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc7xW5-W3rZEns0nQ?e=RFlbqc For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the uncompressed (high resolution) version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 921 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hMQlRQUFvsVA2rToPw?e=tDFzbx For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the new “Appendix Y – The ‘KISSY-ME KOWBOY’ – Life of Clarence Lewis Thacker”, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 5.02 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc6-zu9Ra8y1BLIEg?e=z874G6 For those who have a Facebook account, click on the following Facebook link (or search for “Untold Stories of Colonel Rudy Flack”) to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted March 6, 2023 Author #37 Posted March 6, 2023 My latest “main” book 3/6/23 version release updates are found on the Book/PDF pages listed below (updated text shown in “purple”), which includes 68 “new or updated” pages containing 41 “new or updated” images. Major BONUS ☼ ☼ ☼ new Appendix Z – VIII Bomber Command Loading Lists for Aug’42–Oct’42, the contents of which (Combat Loading Lists) I have been seeking since I began drafting my book in 2010: Book: Acknowledgement i . Added Donald L. Miller, author of “Masters of the Air” Book: Acknowledgement iv . Added 26th Appendix (Z) Book: 808 – PDF: 908 . . . . Status updates about the 97th BG gathering historical info Book: 965 – PDF: 1065 . . . More evidence Sy Bartlett didn’t fly on 17-Aug-42 Mission #1 Book: 1067 – PDF: 1167 . . . Capt. Flack’s mission #2 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1070 – PDF: 1170 . . . Capt. Flack’s mission #4 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1137 – PDF: 1237 . . . Capt. Flack’s mission #6 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1138 – PDF: 1238 . . . Capt. Flack’s mission #8 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1143 – PDF: 1243 . . . Major Flack’s mission #8.5 Intro updated with latest info Book: 1147 – PDF: 1247 . . . Major Flack’s mission #9 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1154 – PDF: 1254 . . . Major Flack’s mission #10 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1159 – PDF: 1259 . . . Famous WWII airmen provides false quotes to author (17-pages) Book: 1176 – PDF: 1276 . . . Major Flack’s mission #11 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1190 – PDF: 1290 . . . Major Flack’s mission #12 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1193 – PDF: 1293 . . . Three Squadron Loading Lists added plus photo updated (4 pages) Book: 1198 – PDF: 1298 . . . Major Flack’s mission #13 Intro updated based on Appendix Z Book: 1200 – PDF: 1300 . . . Added write-up plus four Squadron Loading Lists (3 pages) Book: 1204 – PDF: 1304 . . . Added Mission #14 write-up & Squadron Loading Lists (2 pages) Book: 1205 – PDF: 1305 . . . Updated Mission #15 into & added Squadron Loading Lists (4 pages) Book: 1223 – PDF: 1323 . . . Mission #16 intro updates (2 new pages with 2 new images) Book: 1233 – PDF: 1333 . . . Mission #16 Custom Table updated plus19 new pages/images Book: 1713 – PDF: 1813 . . . Paul Tibbets Combat Mission text and table updated (24 to 25) Book: 2076 – PDF: 2176 . . . Three mail exchanges with author of bestseller “Masters of the Air” For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force), who within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups flew the most combat missions (483) and who had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron. To obtain a copy of the updated “main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which may take a little time as file size is 278 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc__sb6Uod2gqbewg?e=trmSE1 To obtain a copy of the newly created Appendix Z – VIII Bomber Command Incomplete Loading Lists for Aug’42–Oct’42, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which should take very little time as file size is only 20.2 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc-swetfrZWwx5IpA?e=pszT8f To obtain a copy of the “All-in-One” Appendices A–Y (Appendix Z will be added later), click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 1.47 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hYc7xW5-W3rZEns0nQ?e=RFlbqc For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the uncompressed (high resolution) version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, which will take time due to file size of 921 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hMQlRQUFvsVA2rToPw?e=tDFzbx For those who have a Facebook account, click on the following Facebook link (or search for “Untold Stories of Colonel Rudy Flack”) to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted November 23, 2024 Author #38 Posted November 23, 2024 For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (May 1942) and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force (October 1942) intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. Within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups, the 97th flew the most combat missions (483) and had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron commanded by my father. Of note, at the rank of Captain at age 25, Rudolph Emil "Rudy" Flack was the 414th Heavy Bomb Squadron commander, the Grafton-Underwood base commander in England (which included the 342nd BS), the Eight Air Force Mission #1 commanding officer, and the Pilot of the B-17E Yankee Doodle (41-9023) in which Brig. Gen. Ira C. Eaker (Commander of the VIII Bomber Command in England) flew as an Observer on the historic "first" All American Flying Fortress bombing mission over German occupied Europe (the Sotteville Railroad Marshalling Yards at Rouen, France) on August 17,1942. Teaser: Learn the true character of Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr., which is documented throughout my book (Chapters 6 thru 9 and Chapter 11). The purpose of my book is to tell my father's life story primarily focused on his military and flying career. It is recommended all viewers minimally read the first 22 pages to better understand its contents (Cover page, Copyright, Dedication, Acknowledgements and Preface). Primarily due to my postings on one particular military forum website and Facebook, I am up to 60,000 plus followers. For those primarily interested in the World War II historical events within my book, these details are found in Chapter 7 through Chapter 11. Chapter 5 and 6 documents my father's early years in the military (1937 thru 1941). Because Microsoft Word has a limit for the size of a document (text and images), I had to create a separate "All-In-One" Appendices (27 Appendixes) from my "Main" book (12 Chapters). This is my latest “Main” book version release published since March 6, 2023, which includes numerous updates throughout. In addition, Appendix α – National Personnel Records Center – National Archives (Col. Rudy Flack’s personnel military records) has been added to the "All-In-One" Appendices. To obtain a copy of the updated “Main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, this may take a little time as file size is 282 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/c/be6413ae508e379f/ETlmD1wRCN1HiDusgc_iBXsBf6VX7HlyGrYTrxWpYw08vQ?e=Fzjgo6 To obtain a copy of the “All-in-One” Appendices A thru α, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, this will take time due to file size of 1.58 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/c/be6413ae508e379f/EWvz805Kh_tLuJiTGxBwP7oBbZaSOZCzq1z4LVANMWP2EQ?e=YPcHLh For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the uncompressed (high resolution) version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download, this will take time due to file size of 921 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hMQlRQUFvsVA2rToPw?e=tDFzbx
RickFlack Posted November 23, 2024 Author #39 Posted November 23, 2024 For those who have a Facebook account, click on the following Facebook link (or search for “Untold Stories of Colonel Rudy Flack”) to obtain the above and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
RickFlack Posted January 3 Author #40 Posted January 3 For those new to my postings, you will find the history of the first Flying Fortress Bombardment Group (97th) sent to the European Theater of Operations with the Eight Air Force (May 1942) and the first sent to the Mediterranean Theater of Operations with the Twelfth Air Force (October 1942) intriguing and you won’t be disappointed. Within the US Army Air Force Flying Fortress Bomb Groups, the 97th flew the most combat missions (483) and had the greatest successes with the lowest loss of aircraft and personnel in WWII. The 97th flew the first 8 combat missions (August 17, 1942 thru August 29, 1942) for the Eight Air Force before next Bombardment Group (301st) participated in an Eight Air Force combat mission with the 97th on September 5, 1942. You will find a level of detail about the 97th never before made available; and in particular, its 414th Bombardment Squadron commanded by my father. Of note, at the rank of Captain at age 25, Rudolph Emil "Rudy" Flack was the 414th Heavy Bomb Squadron commander, the Grafton-Underwood base commander in England (which included the 342nd BS), the Eight Air Force Mission #1 commanding officer, and the Pilot of the B-17E Yankee Doodle (41-9023) in which Brig. Gen. Ira C. Eaker (Commander of the VIII Bomber Command in England) flew as an Observer on the historic "first" All American Flying Fortress bombing mission over German occupied Europe (the Sotteville Railroad Marshalling Yards at Rouen, France) on August 17,1942. The purpose of my detailed research book is to tell my father's life story primarily focused on his military and flying career. It is recommended all viewers minimally read the first 22 pages to better understand its contents (Cover page, Copyright, Dedication, Acknowledgements and Preface). Primarily due to my postings on one particular military forum website and Facebook, I am up to 60,000 plus followers. For those primarily interested in the World War II historical events within my book, these details are found in Chapter 7 through Chapter 11 (1942 thru 1946). Chapter 5 and 6 documents my father's early years in the military (1937 thru 1941). Because Microsoft Word has a limit for the size of a document (text and images), I had to create a separate "All-In-One" Appendices (27 Appendixes) from my "Main" book (12 Chapters). This is my latest “Main” book version release published since November 22, 2024, which includes 40 new pages (primarily JPG images) and updated/new text, all found on the following Book/PDF pages: Book: 1405 … PDF: 1505 . . . 1 Mar 43 Newspaper clipping about Rudy flying Margaret Bourke-White. Book: 1406 … PDF: 1506 . . . Photo of Rudy’s mother with Margaret Bourke-White on MGM studio set. Book: 1852–59 … PDF: 1952–59 . . . Updated pages from October 25, 1945 thru December 31, 1945. Book: 1892–34 … PDF: 1992–34 . . . Col. Flack’s Air Force Reserve documents/text from 1946 1957. Book: 1946 … PDF: 2046 . . . Update regarding Rudy’s entry into the Louisiana Bowling Center business. Book: 1947 … PDF: 2047 . . . 1947 photo showing Bengal Bowl on 3rd Street in downtown Baton Rouge. Book: 1989 … PDF: 2089 . . . Letter most likely written by Rudy and a couple of his keepsake quotes. Book: 2024 … PDF: 2124 . . . A 1 Amusement and Rack N Rail owned & operated businesses by Rudy. To obtain a copy of the updated “Main” book, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download; this may take a little time as file size is 287 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/c/be6413ae508e379f/ESlEBW28G5FIkGhRPqOIod8BZhutU3W14dQ0vNJMfCRT1g?e=8vsitF To obtain a copy of the “All-in-One” Appendices A thru α, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download; this will take time due to file size of 1.58 GB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/c/be6413ae508e379f/EQHxXp-koIBBsEl_2uDLfVMBcrQ0affG6Pn-5NOuHsLFAA?e=fjTv6m For those who are interested in having a standalone copy of the uncompressed (high resolution) version of “Appendix T -- The Hour Has Come – The 97th Bomb Group in World War II book” for improved searching and viewing results, click on the following Microsoft OneDrive link to download; this will take time due to file size of 921 MB. Then save a copy to a location of your choice on your PC for viewing this PDF document: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap83jlCuE2S-hMQlRQUFvsVA2rToPw?e=tDFzbx For those who have a Facebook account, click on the following Facebook link (or search for “Untold Stories of Colonel Rudy Flack”) to obtain these and other details: https://www.facebook.com/Untold-Stories-of-Colonel-Rudy-Flack-302118180261150/
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