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USN LIGHTERS Zippo, Penguin, Vulcan, Prince Rocky, Ronson, Konwal,etc.

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Salvage Sailor


USS LUCE (DDG-38) Guided Missile Destroyer (previously a Destroyer Leader DLG-7) Custom Zippo lighter and full size Zippo, both 1978 and a Zippo DDG-38 belt buckle, all purchased in the ships' store.









Plus, a full size STANAVFORLANT Zippo purchased at the same time when LUCE was the Standing NATO Forces Atlantic Flagship. The stickpins are from the same cruise and are the two West Germans ships that were in our squadron, Fregatte Karlsruhe (F223) and Zerstörer Schleswig-Holstein (D182)






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Salvage Sailor

Commander Service Force US Pacific Fleet Staff



COMSERVPAC STAFF - Overall commander of the Beans, Bullets and Black Oil distributed to the 3rd and 7th Fleets plus assigned Seabees, Construction, Logistics, Salvage, Repair, etc squadrons.


Lighter (well worn and used) made by Penguin, Japan in the 1960's

Lighter COMSERVPAC STAFF Penguin 001.jpg


Lighter COMSERVPAC STAFF Penguin 002.jpg

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  • 3 months later...

Here is the USN squadron I was in, from December 1959 to March 1963. Heavy Attack Squadron Six (VAH-6, HATRON SIX) flying A3D-2's. Home base was Whidbey Island, Washington. We/I made 3 Westpac cruises with this squadron aboard the USS Ranger CVA-61. The emblem on the lighter is VAH-6's Crest and they were called the "Fluers". The lighter is the smaller size and made by PRINCE, It is about the only memento of my service other than photos. Thanks for looking.


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  • 5 months later...
Salvage Sailor

USS PIGEON (ASR-21) Submarine Rescue vessel in service 1973 to 1992

Full size Zippo lighter, mirror chrome Zippo lighter, mirror chrome Zippo belt buckle

ASR-21 USS PIGEON Zippo Lighter 001.jpg


ASR-21 USS PIGEON Zippo Lighter 002.jpg


USS PIGEON ASR-21 Zippo lighter a.jpg


USS PIGEON ASR-21 Zippo lighter b.jpg


USS PIGEON ASR-21 Zippo Belt Buckle 01.jpg


ASR 21 USS PIGEON 001.jpg

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Salvage Sailor

A trio from the same vessel...


USS CHANTICLEER (ASR-7) Class leader WWII Submarine Rescue vessel in service 1942 to 1973

Navy Divers Rescue Chamber lighter made by Penguin


ASR 7 USS CHANTICLEER Penguin Lighter 01a.jpg


ASR 7 USS CHANTICLEER Penguin Lighter 02a.jpg




USS CHANTICLEAR (ASR-7) Penguin Lighter 05.jpg


USS CHANTICLEER (ASR-7) Class leader WWII Submarine Rescue vessel in service 1942 to 1973.  Navy Divers Rescue Chamber lighter made by Penguin, different lettering


USS Chanticleer (ASR-7) Lighter 01a.jpg


USS Chanticleer (ASR-7) Lighter 02a.jpg


ASR 7 USS CHANTICLEER 1957 001.jpg


USS CHANTICLEER (ASR-7) Class leader WWII Submarine Rescue vessel in service 1942 to 1973

Zippo lighter with the Vietnam era ships' crest


USS Chanticleer ASR-7 Zippo Lighter 001.jpg


USS Chanticleer ASR-7 Zippo Lighter 002.jpg


USS Chanticleer ASR-7 Patch.jpg


ASR 7 USS CHANTICLEER 1964 001.jpg

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Great lighters!


Here is a few I have laying around the house.


Lighter from Admiral Jimmy Thach, inventor of the WW2 Thach weave and WW2 Naval Aviator Ace.






The ex USS Avoyel.




The USS Lexington.



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Salvage Sailor

Nice (Coastie) Avoyel lighter Hink,


ex-USS AVOYEL (ATF-150) Fleet Tug as you know. Goes well with your Avoyel builders plaque posted on the forum.

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Salvage Sailor


CTF 115 Zippo.jpg


CTF 115.jpg

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  • 2 months later...
Salvage Sailor

USS LOWRY (DD-770) Three War Allen M. Sumner class destroyer in service 1944 to 1973

Cold War Crewmans' memorabilia circa 1957/1958

DD 770 USS LOWRY 008.jpg


USS LOWRY (DD-770) Zippo dated 1957



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  • 1 year later...

I don't typically buy lighters, but I took her home from an estate sale this morning. Unfortunately, they only had the lighter case, but I loved the patina so much that she had to come home with me. Looks like a pre-Vietnam lighter popular among boat guys.













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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like those old Penguin lighters.

I have found a few with really neat appliques pertaining to the military.

A Zippo insert should fit and was commonly done by servicemen.

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I don't know if any one is still following this thread but here is a lighter I  picked up today off the 'bay.

It is a Penguin.

LTC. Page won the Navy Cross and MOH in Korea. He was an Artillery officer.

You can read about him here:


This ship spent a lot of time in Vietnam, so I am going to guess that is when this lighter dates from.

Just a bit of the All right!


s-l1600 (1).jpg

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Any U.S.Army Vessel LT. COL. John U.D. PAGE veterans out there that can elaborate on this ships service in Viet Nam?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went through my Japanese insert box and found this one for you.  Just what the doctor ordered.  It nearly matches the Penguin insert I have on hand.  This insert has seen some action and would match the wear on your lighter.  Your lighter would look silly with a new insert and not appropriate with a Zippo insert.  This insert works too.  



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