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Youtubes "The Great War Channel"

Trevor M. Larson

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Trevor M. Larson

I've been following this show almost since the beginning when Austria Hungary Launched its doomed first invasion of Serbia, and with the doughboys finally going to be "over there" I think it's a great time to shine a light on this show here on the forum. Here's the rundown


Weekly episodes

Week by week every Thursday host Indy Neidell covers the events unfolding 100 years ago that week. Every front, Every Nation, mostly told from way above the blood and gore the way the generals and politicians would have seen it but quite frequently first hand memoirs are also used and the ones they chose are always moving.


Who did what in ww1?

Every Monday a spotlight is put on a general, politician, or soldier from the Great War. The usual criteria is they were famous for their actions in ww1 (like Wilson) or men who we know for other things who fought in the trenches (like J R R Tolkien, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel) these specials are often written with the help of fans so if you want a hero of ww1 covered the Great War team would be happy to do so

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Trevor M. Larson

More of this channel includes

"Out of the trenches"

Indy and crew answer comment questions from the show on a really wide variety of topics



When a massive subject needs covering these videoes come out. Wanna know about snipers in ww1? There's a video. Wanna know about facial reconstruction? There's a video. They truly cover a wide variety of large subjects in the great was with a decent amount of depth for the short time they have


"Nation specials"

The name really says it all, a focus on a particular countries role in the war. Why did they fight? Where did they fight? Famous battles and contributions? This is normally done for smaller countries (like one just came out for Portugal a few days ago)

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I played it extensively for several of my classes. Very good, and I'm looking forward to more US content now that we've officially joined!

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I have watched numerous episodes over the last few months. Very good series of programs and I have learned a lot from watching these. I'm glad that WW One is getting the attention it deserves in the militaria collecting field. WW Two has been done to death.

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