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How to store Bullion and other Patches Long Term


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I am curious how long term collectors store bullion patches? To keep them from crushing the bullion as well as keeping out harmful things like moisture and insects. I am trying to store some patches long term.

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Would it be possible to learn from you how many bullion patches would be involved, and of what general kinds (age, type, size) they are?

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I have approximately 50 WWII-occupation era bullion patches. Mostly for infantry divisions and of normal size. They are either german or Italian made. Some have wool and most are hand embroidered

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I have approximately 50 WWII-occupation era bullion patches. Mostly for infantry divisions and of normal size. They are either german or Italian made. Some have wool and most are hand embroidered

Thank you.


Although there are many experts here, this is what comes to mind, given what you've said.


Humidity/moisture - is usually not a huge problem or threat for most of us. But, it can be, especially when storage occurs in basements, for example, or other similar places where humidity is likely to be higher than normal, or where there is any risk of actual moisture intrusion (e.g. leaks from pipes or rain, etc).


Pests - moths, and rodents are the greater common threat to textile/fabric artifacts.


Crushing - a potentially serious long-term issue, for buillion.



1. Keep them all laying flat in a wide drawer, such as would be called a "flat file" in use for storage of unframed paper artifacts. Steel, is better than wood, for several reasons. This method has the advantage, too, of shielding the collection from moisture originating from above.

2. Use dessicant packettes in the storage area, and/or if necessary a dehumidifier.

3. Ordinary measures such as cleanliness and the occasional poison bait if needed, should be enough to keep pests at bay.


Many collectors use riker mounts, and those are very good of course.


With bullion, I would want to stay away from plastic sleeves in 3-ring or other sheets.

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