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First Strike (1979 film)


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Hey you know I was rewatching the T. V. movie from 1983, The Day After on DVD, and was very very curious, curious in fact every time I rewatched it as to the footage of the SAC people seen in the beginning, the USAF BG boarding the command airplane, and the Missile crews in their bunkers, or whatever they are called by the Air Force, you know the launch crews.


I always thought it was film or scenes shot for the movie with the permission of the United States Air Force, expressly shot, using all USAF people in their real positions to include the Brigade General, who up to now was unknown to me.


And now fascinatingly I know where those scenes are from, and who the BG is.




Your comments if you like on both films please.


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The movie The Day After actually had some real world impacts. Reportedly when the Soviets saw a copy of it, it convinced them to press forward with negotiations for the SALT talks and eventual steps towards reductions of their nuclear arsenal.


For some reason I watch the attack sequence from The Day After every now and then, just to convince myself that a long time ago this really was the state of the world.

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