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vietnam extraction stabo


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Just curious why you have the USMC jungle 1st aid kit on the back of your SOG rig??? I would suggest replacing this with an additional canteen cover with your 1st aid kit and E&E kit. Ive never seen any sog guy carry these other than on a BAR belt. Also SOG SOP calls for the knife to be on the harrness on your non shooting side, but this is just a suggestion,

heres an example



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hello mr Miraldi

this is a survival kit in my next reenactment photos (in summer)

thy are in my stabo

best regards


Cool deal, Ive seen them put them in the canteen cover and such, don't go by the photo in the Sutherland book, its totally bogus!!!! Supposedly that was the harness used by Stanton, but he was in Thailand not Vietnam training Thai rangers so I don't put a whole lot of credit in his accounts of Vietnam and SOG sadley, still his books are worth getting and he is the Guru of Vietnam info, I just question how accurate his rig is in Sutherlands book, :)




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