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What are divisional trains?


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I was reading and saw divisional trains for a WWII armored division. What are division trains? Supply? Transportation?


Thanks, Paul

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Back in the olden days, all of the support equipment was packed into wagons and moved as a wagon train- with everything moving at the same time to the same location. The trains would consist of uniforms, equipment, supplies, rations, medical support supplies and equipment, ammunition, and the like. As the forces modernized with the advent of trucks and trailers, the trains were able to move separately with medical, quartermaster, ordnance, engineer assets etc. being able to move independently.


The trains concept became archaic as supplies and services were able to be consolidated to the Corps, Armies and even higher levels. As an example, clothing renovation, shower facilities, etc. could be relegated to units that could do these missions on a daily basis and thus be able to support multiple divisions at the same time.


I hope this further clarifies this for you.



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A traditional term still used.

That's right, back in AK in November 82 on a huge FTX, I was detailed to pull field KP, I was sent back to the "Battalion Trains" that where the cooks set up their stuff.




And here I am at the Trains, a frozen spigoted water buffalo, had to climb on top and sink the cans through the hatch :D

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