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DI unit help


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A few weeks ago I purchased these DI's on eBay. They were being listed as:

- 39th Signal Battalion (but I have also read that it could be 39th Signal Company?)

- 726th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company


The DI's are marked as following:

39th Signal Battalion; V. Habcke & Co. Pfarzheim (German made)

726th Ordnance; Sherman Mfg. Co. provenance R. I. 3S


Of the 726th Ordnance I think it could be a post-war issue looking at the maker mark.. However of the 39th Signal Battalion one I am not sure, believe it to be immediate post-war era and made in Germany.

Would be great if these would be WWII era..


Looking forward to hear your opinions!


39th Signal Battalion:





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Haacke is just out side of Stuttgart still making crests of sorts, but not for the US Army any longer. Mostly curios and pins like you see at Volksmarches. I did not think about combing some of the antique shops there in Pforzheim. Many of our soldiers live there. The city was known for small metal industry that included a rather large jewelry manufacturing center since before WW II. Pforzhiem is more known to day for schnapps, if you can imagine that.

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