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Displaying your DUI's....what is your favorite way to show them...


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I've seen a few ways to display them, but it would be great to see some examples that you guys use to keep everything in order and displayed to your satisfaction....thanks in advance.


Big cases, small cases, mounts, boards, anything....looking for ideas...!

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Back in the old old days, guys used coin envelopes/bubbles - white squares w/ clear plastic circles


mounted U shaped (well double L, I can't find a text symbol) or channel wood so the squares could slide easily


or go to stamp and coin store and get coin pages - clear plastic w/ small squares, just slide in the DI and keep in notebook

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I don't have any current pictures but I use the Rikker mounts. I have them categorized by branch. I mainly focus on Infantry DI's and I used a blue backing inside the rikker mount instead of the white backing..





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Here is how I store and display my DI's. I use wooden cases for the better stuff. Adding a little bit of cloth as a background color really enhances the look in my opinion. I should mention that these cases aren't exactly cheap, but I didn't mind spending $35-40 each for them since some of the DIs in the cases are worth much more than that.





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Here is a photo of some DI's and a couple of other pieces of insignia in a small Riker mount. These types of cases are really inexpensive- less than $10 for a larger case- $6 or less for one this size. They stack nicely and won't collapse when you put a few on top of each other (use your brains guys), and the spun poly material will hold your pins in place and even after years of use, I have never experienced any problems with the pins coming into contact with the base material.




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I have also have and have had them in Riker mounts (and with a little cloth backing too) and that has proved to be okay in most cases-- what happens when you use a cloth backing is that the screw-back crests will set differently in the case as opposed to the pin and clutch-back varieties.....


I guess the trick is to have a tight fit for them all, or you risk them slipping once the glass is over them. I also have a Riker-like case that has a tray with small square compartments, but they move around in this case a bit....

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Thanks for the comments guys.


You could cut a piece of poster board and put holes in them where you want the screwback DI's to go. You'll probably want to cut holes for the pinback DI's too so that they lay flat. They will look nice and stay straight and if you reshuffle the DI's you can just replace the poster board and start again.


The problem with the DI's staying straight is why you see them affixed to note cards in the 35th Division insignia display. As an aside, I don't really "display" the 35th Div stuff, but I like to keep it together.


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