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Another unknown DI hoping someone can ID


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I really have no idea what this may or not be and was hoping someone might be able to ID it. It actually came with another as a matched pair. It is very nicely made with dual or double screw back posts on the back, but no hallmarks. Thank you for your help!



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Thanks for posting and asking for help. I too have a similar crest. Was thinking it might be ROTC as I've not seen it in any crest book or working aid. Attached is my variation.post-115509-0-29029600-1408289193.jpg

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This came with a small group of WW II vintage State Guard DI's and insignia and even though most of them were labelled, unfortunately this one was not.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I could not find it in my references either.

But the wheat shock or bundle is the symbol for the Minnesota National Guard when found on the crest of the Coat of Arms.

Red and gold are usually colors for Artillery.

Red and silver are usually colors for Engineers.



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Very tough to identify if it's a State Guard crest, but makes sense, doesn't it? Not enough data on such things. We just have to keep looking.--Ray

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We may have to try ASMIC if that option has not yet been visited..


They have a section called "Can you ID" and we may be able to get a better or a positive ID if we go that route..


Here is information about the site..





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