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Hello, Does anyone recognize this DI. The picture is of my uncle he served in Italy post-war. The picture is not very clear but it is all I have. Thanks, Eric


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It's a tough one, very hard to see, but if he was in post war Italy, then perhaps he was in the 88th Infantry Division, this division remained quite awhile on occupation duty while everyone else went home, till September 1947 in fact, if so then perhaps it's the DI for the 349th Infantry.



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Just came to me while looking again at this photo, it would be one that would of have to have been taken prior to December 1946, as after or somewhat shortly after this date, the wear of DIs moved from the lower lapels to the shoulder loops of IKEs, and their place taken by another set of Collar Discs, Branch, a set of Branch discs were worn on the lower lapels while a set of U.S. discs were worn on the upper collar.


But as mentioned in the above reply by 36 tex, a full photo will go along way in finding just what these DIs are, IE, we may see his shoulder patch, and that will be the clincher in narrowing it down.

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