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Hollywood Portrayals Of Actual Military Figures


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world war I nerd

And ... the only Tuskegee airman that I could determine was not a fictitious character: Andre Brauer as Benjamin O. Davis Jr. in "The Muskegee Airmen"

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world war I nerd

Here's a series on actors who have portrayed Winston Churchill in film. Churchill's has always been one of my favorite WW II personalities to read about.


One anecdote that come to mind is from a book I read years ago about FDRs and Churchill's relationship during the war. Both men got on very well.


Anyway on Churchill's second visit to Washington he stayed at the white house. FDR went to speak to Churchill in the room he was staying in. Churchill happened to be in the bathroom with the door open, and when FDR called his name, Churchill called FDR inside. Upon entering the room FDR was shocked to Churchill soaking in the bathtub (something he often did). I'm paraphrasing here, but a very uncomfortable FDR muttered something about coming back at a more appropriate time when Churchill stood up buck naked and said,


"Mr. Roosevelt, the Prime Minister of England has absolutely nothing to hide from the president of the United States. Please, say what you came to tell me."


I posted two of these already, but I wanted to put them all in one place. Richard Burton as Winston Churchill in "Walk With Destiny" (1974)


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Another Churchillian performance, British Actor Timothey West in Churchill and the Generals 1979. He also reprised his role as Churchill in the 1995 movie Hiroshima.




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I know we've already touched on a few but there have also been a bunch of "FDRs" and "Hitlers" in the movies too.


British actor Robert Carlisle as the bad guy.



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