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IS THIS WING GOOD? Post your requests here!

John Cooper

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18 minutes ago, Based Captain Steve said:

I'm trying to figure out the authenticity of these wings. I've tried looking online at forums for 318thw wings and the front part between the 318th and W7 is see through in their examples where here it appears to be mounted on a flat surface. I think they may have taken authentic pilot wings grinded off the front and attached the 318th Shield? Was this something that was done or is this someone trying to scam people? Would love to hear other people's opinions




It was discussed here



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"Was this something that was done or is this someone trying to scam people?"


The old saying that the French fight for the Republic, the British fight for the empire, the Germans fight because they enjoy it, and the Americans fight for souvenirs is probably true.


I suspect that a few days after the Battle of the Little Bighorn, two Indians, Fat Elk who Sits At Table and his buddy, Honest Bear Story Teller, were selling knock-off 7th Cal spurs and leather skivies with GAC initials at their Teepee in Fort Asmic North Deckota.


If someone can theoretically hump a buck out of an item, and there are bright-eyed rube with more cash than sense in the room... fakes will be made.

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On 9/13/2024 at 4:17 PM, Threewood said:

Thanks Patrick! I'll post better pictures once I receive it. Is this considered a Robbins pattern?


I have never been a big fan of the "Robbins pattern" meme, myself.  I think it is more accurate to call this an "issue" or "graduation" pattern.  But no matter what, its a nice wing.  The Liaison rating is relatively rare so its always nice to have a good one in the collection.  Good for you.


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Manky bandage

Well, after getting lost in the post, redirected across the other side of the country then being delivered to a house not even on my street; these wings have landed. I like them, but here are some better images than previously posted just in case. 


Hopefully I can tick these off of the list of wings, and go after the smaller shirt version next. These are addictive.....






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Manky bandage

Many thanks Bob, its a minefield of crud out there. Glad my eyes are getting clearer and starting to be able to see through the hidden turds that the UK is awash with. 

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You’ll get to a point where you will be able to easily distinguish good from bad Meyer wings at the drop of a hat. It just takes time and exposure.


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On 9/13/2024 at 5:17 PM, Threewood said:

Thanks Patrick! I'll post better pictures once I receive it. Is this considered a Robbins pattern?


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On 9/19/2024 at 9:32 PM, B-17Guy said:

You’ll get to a point where you will be able to easily distinguish good from bad Meyer wings at the drop of a hat. It just takes time and exposure.

This is really important.  N.S. Meyer made some very good quality badges, but Meyer wings are unfairly maligned due to all the re-strikes.  While not super-rare overall, some Meyer patterns can be quite scarce and make great additions to any collection!  And as John points out, after a bit of careful study it is not too difficult to tell good from bad.



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  • 1 month later...
Manky bandage

I managed to get them,


And with a real stroke of luck; I managed to get his bracelet. It would of been a real shame knowing that they got parted after so many years. 

s-l1600 (27).webp

s-l1600 (28).webp

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