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Japanese Items Brought Back From Buna Mission-Including Piece of Mitsubishi Zero


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The green paint is a very eerie color in person-I'm not quite sure why, as obviously I've never faced a Zero in combat, but it just is. The other data plate I believe is from a Zero as well. The item with the photo of a young man on it I believe to be some sort of ID? I am also unsure about the item with Kanji and the photo of the men. Maybe a propaganda leaflet? I also have a post (link below) looking for more info on the young man that sent these items home, I'd like to know if he made it home himself.















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This is a great 32nd Division group, if you ever want to trade it let me know! I really like the 32nd attributed stuff. Scott.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, I am a Japanese collector. FYI, the notebook is a driver's license and the leaflet is a US dropped propaganda. The plate is for batteries, but no inidication of ZERO.

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