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Vietnam "short-timer" swagger stick


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I'm not sure this is the best place for this thread but since it was used with the uniform, I settled for this section. If I guessed wrong, I apologize in advance.


When we were within a couple weeks of rotating home, we were usually pulled from the field. Sometimes, as was my case, we ended up going back to the field again but that's another story. When we were pulled from the field, many of us made our own swagger stick, which we carried around the combat base to show that we were soon to go home. Mine id made from a piece of a broken chair back, a cut in half 50 cal machine-gun bullet (the primer is still live; I dented it slightly with a nail to make it appear to have been fired). I then wrapped it with a length of parachute cord.


I'd been hunting for this for probably 4-5 years, which was the last time I saw it, and came across it in a box of odds and ends in the garage this weekend.




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