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Military Welfare Service (American Red Cross)

US Victory Museum

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US Victory Museum

This winter uniform was worn by a woman serving in the North Africa / Italy theater.


The 5th Army patch and distinguished unit citation are not issued to civilians; however,

she probably sewed them on to more closely identify herself with the military unit to

which she was assigned. The uniform bears two pins. The ARC ribbon bar identifies

her service to the European Theater of Operations (ETO). The second is her ARC

Nurse pin. The color of the collar tab, as well as the Military Welfare Patch identify her

ARC service as part of the Military Welfare Service. During WWI, there were a multitude

of ARC branches to which one could belong.


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Never assume that something was just sewn on to identify with the unit. Without knowing the history of this uniform, It's very possible this Red Cross worker was directed to wear the insignia by the military authorities where she worked as a means of recognizing her service.

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