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where can i find sweat bands for the different versions of the anti flak helmts that used sweat bands?


mods, if this is in wrong forum, please move it, i could not find want to by


thank you


semper fi


You might try Hayes Otoupalik in MT. he may have some? You can always use a regular M1 sweatband as well.


thank you

where can i find good pictures of underneath showing sweat bands


thank you

semper fi


Color me stupid, but I didn't think the flak helmets had sweatbands as they were worn over the leather of cloth flight helmets already?


Here is a pic showing the sweatband. No leather on these.


Here is a pic showing the sweatband. No leather on these.



Would this be called a sweatband ? or did it have another specific name, as hawk stated they wear worn over the flight helmets, they more of, I dont know, tighting band ? doesn't even seem that they could be tighted, kind of a one size fits all affair, just a thought as as we see these did not have the leather to absorb sweat.


Yes these could be tightened.


The reason these bands don't have the leather is probably because of the purpose of the helmet: you won't sweat a lot on such high altitude, + the helmet was only worn until the short period of ack-ack was over.



Yes these could be tightened.


The reason these bands don't have the leather is probably because of the purpose of the helmet: you won't sweat a lot on such high altitude,


They sweat and they sweat alot! My Grandfather was a waist gunner on a B-17. Suits were heated, so sweat was a real problem wearing all that insulated stuff. If you have ever owned a used leather flight helmet, they can be quite greasy with head cheese.

If you didn't have that tensioning band inside, you would be putting your oval gourd into a helmet that had a octagonal shaped band and it would create hot spots almost right away, so the interior "headband" gives it the oval to equally distribute the weight over the leather flight helmet.


Sweating on that altitude? :think:


Must be the fear, because it's darn cold up there, that's why they needed the sheep skin etc.


Well, who knows, maybe to lessen production costs since these helmets weren't worn all day long?





You had to get up there with all that on, then get back down, fear, and if you ever attend cold weather survival school, one thing you learn is that you still sweat when it's extremely cold out. Most people will dehydrate in cold before they will in the heat because they don't expect it. In extreme cold, you will still sweat up to a quart of water per day, you just normally don't notice it because it evaporates so quickly.



thanks for all the reply


i found on the Collectors Guild a american flak helmet for sale that has a leather sweatband in the front of helmet, is it right? did someone just add it to the front, is it a regular M1 sweat band with clips, how did these come out of the factory, does anyone have the owners manual for this item ? i looked in a couple helmet books and cannot find flak helmets


thank you again


semper fi


Check out chapter 5 of Armolds book "Steel Pots". Some very good pictures of flack helmets with their head bands.


i have volume 2 and cannot find the pages, there is one page with a picture of one guy wearing the helmet and has a full face shield on page 359

Yes these could be tightened.


The reason these bands don't have the leather is probably because of the purpose of the helmet: you won't sweat a lot on such high altitude, + the helmet was only worn until the short period of ack-ack was over.




Bands can be tightened, ROGER.

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