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In honor of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, I wanted to share with the forum the uniform coat of CWO-4 John W. Hanson, USMC (Ret).





John W. Hanson grew up in Illinois and enlisted in 1939 into the Army Reserves. He served with the USAR until 23 June 1940. On 24 June 1940, he enlisted into the Marines. Although his early service is sketchy, he was serving with HQ Squadron Marine Air Group 2 at Ewa on 7 December 1941. I found this passage concerning his actions during printed in “Voices of My Comrades”:




In June 1943, Hanson was appointed as a Marine Gunner with a specialty assignment in Aviation duty. Many Marine Gunners were converted to Warrant Officers including John Hanson who now held the grade of Warrant Officer (Avn).




After he received his appointment, he was assigned to the Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing and embarked on 16 September 1943 aboard the USS Tangier where he served as a Radio and Radar Technician on Samoa. For most of November he was assigned to temporary duty to Force Aircraft, Forward Area.


In December 1943, he joined Air Regulating Squadron-3 and returned to the United States arriving at Miramar. After taking two weeks leave, he was reassigned to HQ Squadron-42, MBDAG-42 where he served as the Assistant Group Radar Officer, later becoming the Group Radar Officer. He remained with MBDAG-42 until the end of the war. Hanson’s appointment was terminated in December 1945 and he reverted back to his enlisted status. He was discharged on 18 December 1945.


This didn’t end the military career of John Hanson however. In December 1945, he was appointed as a Warrant Officer in the USMCR with a date of rank of 1943. He joined the Aviation Unit, Ninth Reserve District and moved to South Bend, Indiana. He remained with the 9th MCRRD until 1962 when he joined the 6th Engineer Battalion with whom he continued to serve until his retirement in 1975.




CWO-4 Hanson passed away in 2002. He is buried in his hometown in Illinois with his headstone noting his service as a Pearl Harbor Survivor.




The coat came from a forum member who was kind enough to sell it to me. I am working to restore his ribbons as he would have worn them in 1945. In his photo taken in 1964, it appears that his ribbons are not in the correct order. I will most likely reset these ribbons to reflect the way that he wore them.




The collar devices were “borrowed” for the photo from another USMC officer’s uniform.




Also I currently have his grade as WO-1 which he wore until 1947 but I am still looking for a proper pair of WWII WO-1 insignia. The pair that is currently pinned on is the post-1954 version.


Feel free to make recommendations to help me properly restore this back its 1945 look.

  • 11 months later...

With the anniversary of the attack almost here, I thought I'd bring this back to the top.



Any luck on getting it back to the original specs?





Any luck on getting it back to the original specs?




Hi John,


Not quite, the rank is still giving me fits. I think it would almost be easier to show his 1943 rank of Gunner and just have the American Defense ribbon.

  • 2 months later...

John's questions got me to start looking for the proper insignia. It took a little while, but I was able to find the correct WO-1 insignia on WARDOGMILITARIA's website.


They arrived today and I think they look great! I would like to replace the ribbon bar to a solid three place bar, but I am pretty content with what I have so far. Please feel free to make recommendations or corrections as this is the first USMC Warrant Officer's I have researched and restored.



Close-up of the rank insignia




Simply amazing! What a story! Thanks for sharing that with us


Youre doing a brilliant job, Looks great! A proper way to give repect to this great Marine!



  • 4 weeks later...

Phenomenal work Erick, it's a labor of love!

  • 8 months later...

With the 72nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor occuring tomorrow, I thought I would bring this thread back to the top.

Kurt Barickman

Love USMC officer tunics; so much quality.



  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...

Very cool Love the style of this Jacket!

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