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101st Airborne...WWII...Opal Carter


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Did a Veterans Day display in a different place for the first time in 10 years, go to meet lots of new guys. In my collection, I have a strap used to parachute supplies in. This is a photo of Mr. Opal Carter, 90 years old. He saw the strap and said "I know what that is", I ask him, "what is it?". He said "that is just like the straps they used to resupply us in Bastogne!" I almost fell over. He said he watched one of them crash completely through a giant oak tree and settle a couple of inches into the ground.


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You sound as starstruck as I was when I saw a USS Indianapolis survivor. I couldn't speak! We were at a veterans' day parade, a few years before I would suit uo kids to march in uniform. I found out he died a few years later. These men, I know, wouldn't welcome the fame that a lot of current celebrities get, but they sure deserve it more than the pukes that are all over TV.

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