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USS TRENTON Homeward Bound Pennant


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Found a paper group today with several photos,letters,3 cap tallies,two white craker jack tops and various items.This sailor was a prewar wold traveler.He kept or sent home a lot of items and all the letters are from him or his sister whom he wrote too...As fate would have it he reenlisted the summer of 1941 and was killed in action on the USS Utah.He was a Fire Controlman.Looking at a couple of the letter he speaks of studing to test for the rate etc.One letter states hoe happy the crew was the ship was chosen for a cruise to Australia as there hadnt been a cruis there since 1935.Quite a personal look into the everyd life of a pre war sailor.THere was no sign of the Purple Heart or any documents to accompany the group.


THis section of pennant I found very interesting.He appeared to type all of the places the cruise went to and ports of call.I see he even had a signature on the upper left that is the Prince of Luxembourg.










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